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The Alliance is a coalition of 22 states formed to cooperatively develop, issue, and oversee Financial Institution Data Match (FIDM) operations. The Alliance focuses on cooperation of data matching functions. Michigan is responsible for coordinating the Alliance, while each participating state is responsible for entering into individual contracts in accordance with each state’s procedures and laws.

The child support enforcement Program was established in 1975 as Part D of title IV of the Social Security Act. The Program helps to strengthen families and reduce welfare dependency by placing responsibility for supporting children on their parents. Designed as a joint Federal, State, and local partnership, the Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Program involves 56 separate State or territorial organizations, each with its own unique laws and procedures. State and local human service agencies, often with the unique laws and procedures often with the help of prosecuting attorneys and other law enforcement officials of family or domestic courts, usually run the Program. At the Federal level, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides funding, training, and technical assistance to States through the Administration for Children and Families Office of Child Support Services (OCSS).